Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shidduch Priorities

They're moving around all the people in my department soon, and I kind of hope that I wind up very, very far from the lady who currently sits next to me.

It's not her abrasive nature that makes me want to distance myself from her. And while I heartily dislike it when she leans over me to loudly talk to the guy sitting opposite me (even when I'm on the phone!), that's not enough of a reason for me to want to move away from her.

And really, it's not her ultra loud voice either. It's what she talks about, namely, shidduchim. I have, in the past, heard of people who spend about 90 percent of their time devoted to shidduchim, but I had always assumed people like that were basically like Santa Clause or sensitive males: merely urban legends.

Until I met Mrs. Fried (not her real name.) Mrs Fried manages to discuss shidduchim more in a single day than the average human does in a lifetime. Her children are all married, so I'm not sure exactly who she's matching up (trading?), but she obviously never runs out of hapless singles to negotiate on behalf of.

And it's not just her shidduch talk that bothers me. Mrs. Fried represents everything I hate about the shidduch system. I routinely hear her matching problems over people: "Well he was divorced and she was (nebach) sick so they can go out." If that doesn't sound bad, here's a classic gem from Mrs. Fried. I file this under "things I can't believe even though I heard them with my own ears."

She said, on the phone, on one of her many, MANY, shidduch calls, (I quote. I promise.):

"Yeah so they're looking for someone with a lot of money...also for good middos."


rbtzn said...

mmm jellybeans

Mystery Woman said...

Not sure if I should laugh or cry.

Princess Lea said...

You have to spend your whole day listening to this? I would've been serving life upstate by now.

Something Different said...

Princess Leah: Best. Comment. Ever. (I should forward it to my manager. Hehe.)

Michaltastik said...

WTF, she's at work. She should WORK and for the job that she's there to do, not this. All people talk about is how rough it is in this economny and how you have to compete... Nu, how does she have her job?

Ezzie said...


At least she's honest. Right? :::shudder:::