MP really is an amazing sister. I am not saying that just because I promised to. I mean it.
When someone has a
simcha, it is always MP who remembers to send over a candy platter for the
kiddush. (While SD might be the one to bake the cookies and arrange them nicely on a plate, she definitely needs MP to remind her in the first place.)
When someone in the neighborhood has a baby, or someone is sitting
shivah (
lehavdil), it is most certainly MP who thinks to send over supper.
If it is
someones birthday, they should not expect SD to remember. She needs friends to remind her of her own birthday. (That might be because she wants to forget, but....) MP, on the other hand, not only remembers that it is that person's birthday, but she already bought them a great birthday card, and she remembers to send it with enough time in advance that it gets there for their birthday. (SD on the other hand, notices that her friend's chat status is "happy birthday to me" and she searches online for a funny e-card and gets it there for their birthday too!)
It is a similar story with return cards. MP fills them out the day they come, and even has cute little
mazal tov stickers to make them more exciting. SD usually sends the friend a text saying "do you really think I would miss your wedding?" or something like that, and saves the stamp for something else. (Well, no, she doesn't really, but she is tempted to every time.)
Another example: MP, being a year older than SD, got her license a year earlier than SD did. And during that year, she was really sweet about taking SD wherever she needed to go, even if it was only until the initial novelty of being a licensed driver wore off.
MP is a great bargainer. (Is that a word?) If you are looking to buy a "coach" pocketbook on canal street, and don't want to pay very much, take MP along. She can sometimes convince the guy to pay you to take his merchandise home.
Ok, I am exaggeration, but only slightly. I mean, she is really good at these things.
MP also has an amazing sense of humor. I mean, most of my family does, but are more successful than others. It all started one day when my mother, for some inexplicable reason, decided to take her young children to an art museum. MP looked around and said (really loudly): "Mommy, why is everyone looking at the WALLS?" The entire family laughed about it later, but MP still maintains that she said it on purpose, and she totally meant it as a joke. We don't believe her, but it makes a good story about the origins of her sense of humor. As a
mature ;) adult, her humor has developed to a more advanced point, but still, we love her humor. Seriously (or not-so-seriously) we like the way she adds spice to things by inserting her humorous view of things.
(Wow, next time I need a favor, I should let MP read this... ;)
There are many more great things I could say about MP, (I mean it, why do you doubt me?) but I have one last great story about her.
Normally, I am the (sometimes maddeningly) calm one, and MP is the (overly) emotional one. But recently, something happened that made me really impressed with her. Without getting into details, she had a particular
shidduchim story that was really, really rough. When it happened, I remember thinking that I would fall apart under the circumstances. Basically, it boiled down to a massive mistake on the part of a family member. Had they done that to me, I would have really had a hard time forgiving them. Yet, MP remained calm. She said that she will not get angry, and the
zechus of that should help her find her
shidduch faster.
All I can say is wow.
So while MP and I might have nothing in common, and we meet at
simchos and have nothing to say to
each other, I have to say that MP has a lot of good to offer the world, and I love her and am proud to call her my sister.
(And for my reader who thinks she is similar to MP, I hope this made you happy.
Cuz the last post surely didn't. :-p)