Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blogger Meet-Up of the Year

I discovered something interesting tonight. Blogger's weddings aren't all that different from the weddings of ordinary people. There were some signs. For starters, when I first got to the hall, I went into the bathroom to fix my hair. There, on the ledge, was a bag with a laptop protruding. Yes, it belonged to a blogger.

Then, there was the whole identity crisis thing. Ordinary people go to weddings and introduce themselves as Sarah or Ruchi or Kreindy. Bloggers get this whole identity crisis situation going on:

"What's your name?"
"Which name do you want?"
"What do you mean which name?"
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were one of us...."

Most of us did provide both names, though I got a little bit of a pin prick in my inflated ego when I discovered that my blogger name wasn't even familiar to a couple of the people there.

The next sign that we weren't simple ordinary folks was probably between first and second dance when Bad4 went on a frantic search for a pen. (Who would ever think that a table full of bloggers would be praising the mini pen that MP bought me when she went to Israel?) The remainder of the meal was spent with Bad4 bent over her return card, scribbling notes in code - just in case there were any competing bloggers peering over her shoulder. (To that I simply say hmph.) That was followed by a lively discussion on what to post, and when to post, and who to post, after which we got up to dance again.

Then came the most comical blogging clue of the evening. Normally, at a wedding, if you see a group of girl going to dance with the Kallah, you leave 'em alone, not wanting to get into the "seminary circle" or the "college circle" or the "12 grade chessed head circle". But a group of bloggers doesn't quite look as homogeneous, and people didn't seem to realize that we were all together. On the second try, we managed to form a circle with the kallah, put her finger to her lips. This was our secret. I was waiting for the NS to come and ask us how we all know each other, but in true spirit of us incognito cyber-folks, we disbanded the circle and disappeared into the crowd.

It occurred to me though, that there were so many bloggers under that roof, if someone had (chas v'shalom) bombed the place, the whole Internet would empty out!


Michael Kopinsky said...

Your post and B4S’s had me quite literally laughing out loud. I have had the experience of meeting and becoming good friends with people who originally were just email addresses in my mind. It’s always interesting seeing people’s reactions when I tell them I’m spending shabbos with someone I met on the Internet. Makes interesting conversations also – you know Avraham Cohen? – Well, he’s also coming for shabbos. (Names changed.)

Inspired said...

That is so cool! (again)

Freeda said...

First of all, the laptop was mine :) And I missed the blogger circle :( oh, the joys of living out of town....but if a bomb would have gone off, I would still be around to eulogize all of you :)

tembow said...

sounds like one cool wedding!!

G6 said...

Bad4? You know Bad4?!??!
Now I'm jealous.... {tee hee}

Dude with hat (aka BTS) said...

I guess that's first time I ever read follow up on frum bloggers' wedding. Quite funny and cute at the same time. Hopefully it's not the last one!

halfshared said...

And no mention of Gimple (and Golda!) that got you there and back without any problem? Where's your gratitude?

T'was a lot of fun seeing everyone!

Freeda said...

halfshared, her name's not Golda, it's Goldy, don't mix up the 2!

halfshared said...

Oh, you're right. Ever better ;-).

Something Different said...

Glad you enjoyed. And yes, putting names and faces to the email addresses is really interesting. :-)

Inspired- You bet. :-D

Freeda- I know it was. Remember I robbed your bag? And yes, the blogger's circle was coooool. Nobody chapped it was an intentional circle. LOL

Tembow- Sure was! :-)

G6- Lol! Feelin starstruck?

BTS- I sure hope not. In fact, there has been a recent explosion in blogger engagements, so hopefully we'll get to do this again! :-)

HS- Gimple just had a post dedicated to him! Goshers. And he had nothing to do with the fact that it was a blogger wedding. Or with the fact that those two sweet girls gave us better directions than he did. :-O

Freeda- It's neither. Goldy is not mine, and she wasn't there last night. I had gimple with me.

halfshared said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Someone didn't recognize your blog name? shame on them!

someone said...

the whole buncha you are nuts, y'know?

ms said...

Muy jealous - sounds like you guys had an awesome time :)

(word verification - noses - nuff said :))

Something Different said...

HS- if I recall correctly it was those two girls that I didn't imitate.

Frayda- Can you imagine?? I am telling you, it was a total prick into my ego's balloon. :-(

SO- Er, weren't you there too? :-P

MS- Why do I feel like you know me?
We did have an awesome time!

someone said...

SD, i was referring to this conversation, not the wedding. the wedding was nuts, that's no question!

LMP said...

the whole buncha you are nuts!!...and no i wasn't there.

ms said...

I'm an "old" blogger but I doubt we know we each other IRL. My "initials" are my now-gone blog.

harry-er than them all said...

there should be a rule about having too many bloggers in one place. kinda like the president and vice president not being together...

Inspired said...

So you were one of those people asking for directions to the hall? LOL

Something Different said...

MS- Oh, welcome back to my blog! So nice to see you here! :-D

HTTA- Lol, you bet. What would people waste time on??

Inspired- LOL! Riiiiight. (And it was to the bridge, on our way out, not to the hall. Those must have been the other bloggers... ;-)

Dude with hat (aka BTS) said...

Should've prepared some kind of flashmob...

the apple said...

Wah! I am so sad I missed that wedding (and I would have been in two circles, too...).

Something Different said...

SO- You're just jealous that you didn't get to meet Gimple. :-P

LMP- LOL, you weren't??

BTS- Well then hey I'm glad you weren't forewarned! ;-)

TA- Plus you missed meeting me. :-D
Why'd you miss? And which other circle?

Dude with hat (aka BTS) said...

forewarned about what? Wedding or flashmob? I doubt I would fit in girls circle on a frum wedding anyway :)

But seriously I meant that you should prepared some kind of flashmob

Something Different said...

BTS- No, you really wouldn't have. Though you could have kept Ezzie company. :-)

Dude with hat (aka BTS) said...

SD - again - I meant that "you (SD) should've organized flashmob"